Friday, August 24, 2012


.the hummingbird.

as i was doing my yoga poses,
heard something a little sweet.
then i opened up my eyes..
a humming bird did retreat.

it flew this way then that,
but kept coming back to me,
in utter wonder i watched it,
i'd never seen such a beauty.

it'd circle me and buzzed,
then land back on the same branch,
it was such a funny sight,
thought it was doing a mating dance.

any other time i'd seen one,
they'd buzz by rather quickly..
but something about this day,
the little bird kept coming over to me.

i smiled and looked up at the heavens,
said "i know you are watching after me"
i think it's my little cousin's spirit,
the beauty and its simplicity.

i miss you every day,
but i know you are still around.
i feel you in my heart,
i'll never let you down.

keep sending little messages,
small signals are the best.
when it comes to life,
i'll make sure i pass these tests.

i miss you lil Ty,
tell Nana i said what's up,
i'll keep smilin hard,
cuz i might be a softy but i'm tough.

that hummingbird hung around me,
at least for an hour that day,
i know i had to let you go,
but in my heart you will always stay.

so thank you for small gestures,
your smile i see a lot.
i'll hug everyone for you,
cuz family and friends..



Giancarlo said...

Bel testo!! felice giornata a te...ciao

_Buttery_Evil_ said...
