Wednesday, August 2, 2017

he parted the sea,
got down in between.

made everything soaking wet,
like they just left the beach. 

together then apart,
toes high and back arched. 

apart then together, 
they folded into one another.

super thick, 
like a vanilla caramel shake.
and two times as delicious. 

those curvy, luscious precious thangs.

they're drenched.
what slippery slopes we've travelled. 

plenty left unseen, 
down in between. 


Sunday, April 9, 2017


You bomb them.
They bomb you.
They bomb them.
You bomb them.
 You bomb you.
 They bomb you.
Everybody loses.
Everybody hurts.
Why aren't we teaching peace? 
Why aren't we teaching love?
Why aren't we teaching patience? 
Why aren't we teaching kindness?
Why does everyone hate everyone?
Why aren't we just loving each other?
Why do you want to hurt each other so bad?
When will it end?
please just love each other. 
 All we are saying is give peace a chance. 
All we are saying is give peace a chance. 
All we are saying is give peace a chance.


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Letter to an addict.

you are not who you say you are. you are not who you used to be. When did it become about being a thief, living for the next high and mixing this with that? when did it become about being sneaky and constantly trying to pull the wool over somebody..anybody.. EVERYBODY's eyes? when did you stop being unique and become another sheep? living for the next high...or should i say dying? became someone who just wants to fit in and makes the wrong choices. becoming someone that no one trusts and everyone watches every move. you became someone who thinks they are one step ahead of everyone and smarter than everyone. you became someone who plays mind games. someone i've lost sleep over. you've became someone i can no longer care about because you don't care about yourself. am i judging you? no. do i still love you? yes. am i over this monster you have become? absolutely. if you choose to make drugs your life, trickery and fuckery what you are about, leave me the hell out. there are other ways to handle pain. i dont hate you. i feel sorry for you and i hope that one day you will be able to come from underneath the cloud that is addiction. i hope that one day your pains hurt you less and you can move on from your excuses. i hope that you will one day be able to reclaim the life that is rightfully yours and stop being controlled by a substance. i pray that you are given the time before it's too late and you are gone. before you slip between life's fingers. before you are six feet under and just a memory. i'll pray for you but i'm done losing sleep for you.

xx- to every addict in my life and in your life too.

peace and love.

Saturday, February 4, 2017


.Bare necessities.

Mama never had a surplus.
Was just bare necessities.

Daddy only ever took the bus.
Subpar was the best indeed.

Used to fight just to eat.
Infested mattress and dirty sheets.

Lots of yelling and daddy hit her hard..
Our lights are out but mama she sees stars.

Then we gone.
With just the clothes we had on.

Was just bare necessities.
Mama ain't have surplus.

(Not my truth but somebody's.)
