Friday, November 16, 2012



put the match to the striker,
with a grin on my face.
not knowing what could happen,
if i burned down this place.

with a twinkle in my eyes,
i light the match,
unbelievable the egg..
 that i was about to hatch.

watched the fire burn..
almost down to my hand,
blew out the match,
then struck another again.

turned the match upside down
and watched it burn,
zoned out on the light
and took another turn.

when it burned out,
turned around and struck another,
cupped my hand and
held it close like a baby to a mother.

i spun slowly in a circle,
watching that beautiful flame,
smiling my eyes locked,
i begin to feel a little pain.

blew out the fire,grabbed a match,
and hit the striker once more,
heard a large startling noise
like a slammed car door.

dropped the match accidentally,
ablazed still the flame.
attempted to stomp it out
and keep the fire contained.

dried branches lit quickly,
i'm engulfed in mere seconds,
"come away from the light"
the voice behind me beckons.

romantic love is
one of the most addictive substances on earth.
the fire inside me,
 a burning painfully pitiful curse.

once wind catches flame,
there's no turning back,
can't be doused out quickly,
no way to backtrack.

better call the fire department
because my heart is surrounded,
fuel that feeds my inferno?
 your key has my heart impounded.

don't get lost in love,
let that love find you.
a striker to your match,
 someone who'll see that run straight through.

don't trust pyromaniacs with flames,
or players that play mind games.
follow your intuition,
be kind, smart, and make good decisions.

fire can bring warmth,
or destroy many beautiful things.
the only things that extinguishes it
are tears and the rain.

the way to truly love,
is to know what it means to hurt.
burning is painful but
many other things are worse.

the moral of the story is
love and let love go.
to understand the extent of both
you must experience them to grow.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

.rear view mirror crush.

.rear view mirror crush.

Your eyes caught mine,
as we sped down I-5.

Sent a wink and a smile,
made me blush for a mile.

Viewed me in your rear view mirror,
away from the traffic ahead we steered clear.

Swerved then stayed side by side,
shared sweet glances for quite some time.

I blew a kiss and a wink,
then took the off ramp to my street.

my rear view mirror crush,
I'd like to thank you so very much.

I'm more than a little bit flattered,
that you eyed me up and down like a seafood platter.

Good luck in your travels ahead,
I think as I park and head inside for bed.

Goodbye rear view mirror crush,
and thanks again for this evening's rush. 


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

.can't leave him alone.

.can't leave him alone.

i don't know what's wrong,
i just can't leave him alone.

we found love in a hopeless place,
but i can't stand not seeing his face.

his wittiness is so charming,
how many heart beats skipped? quite alarming.

he melts me with his smiles,
for him i'd travel for miles.

when he takes me to that place,
my mind travels to outer space.

i don't know what the future can hold,
i hope a relationship is something we can mold.

our chemistry is quite magnetic,
to a degree that's a bit pathetic.

it you love someone, let them go,
if they come back, they are yours?

if this saying is true,
what if you are scared to walk through those doors?

it took my heart a long time to heal,
his as collateral is only a part of the deal.

though i'm sure it can't take any persuasion.
i want him and i to be a part of this equation. 

his quirky, goofy sense of humor.
what we have between us isn't just a rumor.

why can't i leave him alone?
because i feel like he is where i belong. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012



You just don't see...
The beauty underneath.

That beautiful simplicity.
Those things hidden I keep.

The colors of the wind..
That gorgeous night sky,

Mixed skin tones intertwined,
That twinkle in his eye.

The simple things we cherish most,
My arms around your neck.

That simple things that makes me proud,
Like when he blesses my eyelids with a peck.

A butterfly who flutters by,
The ocean sound in seashells.

The taste of peanut butter cups,
Or when AOL says "You've Got Mail!"

These beautiful pieces of simplicity..
Remind me of what is important.

To take pride in the life I live,
Stress-free and live in the moment. 

Enjoy these perfect pieces of simplicity,
You never know what day is your last.

Spend time caring for those who you love,
Remember to leave the past in the past.

Don't take life too seriously.
Don't stress yourself too much.

Encourage those around you
Surround yourself with those you trust.

Let your love over flow,
Be accepting of others,

Sometimes you have to..
Listen to the words of your mothers.

Make sure to love until it hurts..
Let that love take over.

Bandage up those old heart wounds,
Move on, don't take cover!

I appreicate life's simple things,
Hand holding is the best.

I plan to get the best that life has to offer.
Have a good time and pass life's tests.

Enjoy those simple moments,
Like blowing bubbles in the air..

Make your life worth living,
Party like you just don't care!

Life can be simple,
Simplicity can be sweet. 

Give life and love all you've got.
Live it up until it's complete. 
