Tuesday, November 13, 2012

.can't leave him alone.

.can't leave him alone.

i don't know what's wrong,
i just can't leave him alone.

we found love in a hopeless place,
but i can't stand not seeing his face.

his wittiness is so charming,
how many heart beats skipped? quite alarming.

he melts me with his smiles,
for him i'd travel for miles.

when he takes me to that place,
my mind travels to outer space.

i don't know what the future can hold,
i hope a relationship is something we can mold.

our chemistry is quite magnetic,
to a degree that's a bit pathetic.

it you love someone, let them go,
if they come back, they are yours?

if this saying is true,
what if you are scared to walk through those doors?

it took my heart a long time to heal,
his as collateral is only a part of the deal.

though i'm sure it can't take any persuasion.
i want him and i to be a part of this equation. 

his quirky, goofy sense of humor.
what we have between us isn't just a rumor.

why can't i leave him alone?
because i feel like he is where i belong. 

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