Monday, November 18, 2013

.nappy, kinky, curly.

.nappy, kinky, curly.

be nappy, be kinky, be curly!
hell, be nappy, kinky AND curly!

my Queens and Kings!
society has told you, that you are NOT worthy of your crown.
that crown that the Man up high has handed down.

society has told you that thin frames, fair skin and straight hair is the truth!
instilling self-hatred, self-doubt, and loathing into our dark skinned youth. 

at the tender age of two, i was subject to these subliminal messages.
naps, kinks and curls, breaking off combs and hard bristle brushes

mama perming my hair, damn near straight out the womb...
because it was too nappy..
too kinky...
too curly!

countless hours, straightening with a hot comb at the kitchen stove, 
then out the door to church, weekly, we drove.

countless hours, spent between mama's knees, 
gettin' those naps, kinks and curls, bent, then pressed and teased.

hours spent gluing in, braiding in, sewing in....
the fakeness that costs more than it's worth in the end. 

society has told you, if it ain't white, it ain't right.
please know that being of a darker complexion is alright!

hold your head up high!
tell them liars, they a lie!!

but young lady, young man! you must know your worth! 
these are blessings the Lord has given you from birth!

see my nappy, kinky,curly hair, left untamed,
naturally resembles something close to the lion's mane. 

listen black girls, your hair is a living breathing being.
patience is a virtue, and seeing is believing.

like a deeply rooted tree,
black women can have the longest of long hair,
all that's needed is the proper attention, love, and care. 

can i touch your hair?
awkward stares 
please don't put your hand near there. 

see my naps and kinks and curls ..
they are a little bit more than out of this world!

i'm proud to be nap-tural!

i now see the lengthening..
we strove to get by straightening...
happens without doing a single solitary..damn thing! 

you can be nappy!

wear your crown proud!

i'm nappy, i'm kinky, i'm curly..
and i'm nap-turally loud!!


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