Monday, April 15, 2013


The Point
So...what would be the point?
You know..of all the shyt that you do?
You should know after all these years..
I can see right through you.
The smile, the talk, and even the way you do your hair
I know everything there is to know about the person under there.
This facade that you put up.
You are only hiding from yourself.
Just pretending to be who you aren't.
So someone will say "she so fresh ta def!"
Can you be a likeable person,
Without coming off so fake?
Although it would be greatly appreciated,
The choice is yours to make.
If not for yourself, can you change for me?
You make my heart hurt,
Just by how you chose to be.
I can not change you.
I can only ask that you think before you speak.
Why do I ask?
Because..dear mama, this isn't how you taught ME to be.


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